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    Learn Polish in your OWN lANGUAGe         

We offer you the chance to learn the Polish language with native polish teachers who speak your language. All of our teachers are well-educated in language teaching, philology graduates and multi-lingual good educators in their field. As of now, we teach the Polish language through English, Turkish and Ukrainian. Check out the packages below for detailed information and if you have any problems, please get in touch.

One of the difficulties encountered while learning Polish is not being able to master the subject sufficiently due to the language barrier. For this reason, we have facilitated the teaching of dialect with our multilingual teachers. In addition to English, our instructors can speak alternative languages fluently - Turkish, Ukrainian, Croatian. You can request lessons from our teachers who speak your mother tongue in order to make learning Polish understandable. Let us know your request about course and teaching options by contacting us. You will receive the right education with the right teacher.

American Flags

Learn Polish with native Polish teachers who speak fluent English

Atatürk Statue

Learn Polish with native Polish teachers who speak fluent Turkish

Ukrainian Flag

Learn Polish with native Polish teachers who speak fluent Ukrainian

The benefits of learning Polish in your own language are countless! For this reason, we have prepared this offer for you and made the Polish language learning easiest and most systematic with expert teachers.

As many of you appreciate, most foreigners living in Poland have difficulties in learning the Polish language. As Prima Language School, we are fully aware of the needs of teaching process and my responsibilities at the education stage, therefore we founded Prima as an answer to all these difficulties.

You’re invited to take control of your learning path by joining our community. Since our founding, we’ve strived to create the perfect virtual learning experience for all our users. From offering videos in various topics to catering to multiple levels, you’re sure to find the course or lesson that you’re looking for.

Get to know our qualified and fun teachers!


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