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Prima dil okulu olarak butun degerli ogrencilerimize Polonya asilli ogretmenler araciligiyla turkce aciklamali Lehce dersleri sunuyoruz. Birincil onceligimiz konusma ve gramer egzersizleriyle dil bariyerini kirmak ve Lehce dilini anlasilir hale getirmektir. Bu sebeple etkili iletişim yeteneğine büyük önem veriyoruz, çünkü karşılıklı iletişim en büyük varlığımızdır. Ana hedefimiz Turk vatandaslarimiza kaliteli bir hizmet sunmak ve her seviyede eksiksiz bir kurs yelpazesini sürdürmektir. Tum seviyelere uygun kurslari sizin icin ozenle tasarladik; baslangic seviyesinden ileriye seviyeye kadar bircok kursumuzu asagida bulabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir sorunuz, talebiniz oldugunda kontakt kismindan bizlere ulasmayi unutmayin.
6 to 10 Person Classes Only
We are aware that with the increase in the number of course participants, it becomes difficult to focus on the course. For this reason, we put aside the commercial concerns and make the language learnable.
As a result of our observations, it becomes more practical for teachers to pay attention to each student separately in group lessons classified with 6 people. Likewise, we have prevented students from getting lost in a large classroom and losing their motivation. Another advantage of 6 to 10 person classes is that we aim for students to work interactively in pairs. As you can appreciate, interactive study significantly affects and improves learning performance.
Language learning cannot be in haste, therefore every student needs sufficient learning time, attention and care. After all, learning a language should not be a waste of time, but rational.
The Common European Framework (CEFR) divides learners into three broad divisions that can be divided into six levels A1 = Beginners A2 = Elementary B1 = Intermediate B2 = Upper intermediate C1 = Advanced C2 = Proficiency For each level, it describes what a learner should be able to do in each skill area: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR (in Polish ESOKJ) provides three levels of language proficiency: Basic (A1-A2). A person can talk about itself, understand and use the most frequently used expressions. Independent (B1-B2). A person can communicate with a native speaker without difficulty. Understands complex texts on any topic at least at the level of the main idea. Proficient (C1-C2). A person fluently expresses it’s thoughts in oral speech, can write a text on a complex topic based on several sourcesIf you are not sure of your level in Polish, let's find out: Take the exam here.